
Kacey Burakowski, M.A., CCC-SLP
Speech & Language Pathologist


  • Early Developmental Educator
  • Consulting with parents around their child’s developmental needs.
  • Co-ordinating with interdisciplinary teams including; Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, and Early Interventionists
  • Serving Lamoille and SouthWest Orleans Counties

Our first language is not something heard but rather is something, which is felt.

I am working to support the evolution of a mother’s relationship with herself, her children, and all of her communications.

I am many things including; a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a woman, a visionary, and a speech & language pathologist.

Have you wondered?

  • Why isn’t my child talking?
  • Why does my child’s speech become less clear when he/she is upset?
  • What are the best types of early learning experiences?
  • How does my child’s daily environment impact his/her language development?
  • How can I become my child’s best teacher?
  • How long should my maternity leave be to establish a primary attachment?
  • How does attachment impact language?

Call me to discuss the answers to these questions or questions you may have about you and your child.

Current referrals for speech and language supports, children birth-3 years, can be made by contacting The Lamoille Family Center.

Homeschool Assessments

As a licensed Vermont educator, I can provide assessments, which qualify for the required end-of-the-year, minimal course of study (MCOS) assessments.


Kacey’s Home Phone#: 802-888-8474  Cell# 802-730-4188